Between Halloween and other days

I have to say Halloween in Portland is very different than in Las Vegas. No one really does much, if they have kids they take them trick or treating but the rest you're in by 10pm because everything closes down by 10pm. So I stayed home dressed up and gave out candy this year. I am needed to get used to this really chill life and a few of my friends didn;t do any thing or worked. 

The rest of the days have been pretty good and productive between getting the new place with deposits, new furniture, and utilities. Oh yeah and new projects on the new business side taking the new class coming soon. 

Hard Rock Hotel Employee Halloween Party

On October 27, 2015 "Hard Rock Hotel" would through us a really cool Halloween party for all the employees. It was always a blast and you would end up forgetting how many drinks or shots you had lol. It was a night where the whole Hard Rock crew could hang out and have some fun all together. I would always look forward to this time of year for this main party, no joke! Going to miss these parties, 2016 was my last year working there miss the good people that became friends who some became like family! From 2012-2016